Our D8 Products installation team has been busy! They’re back, after traveling to Colorado to install custom canopies for Crossland Construction. We’re proud to have completed the installation of high-quality...
Project Update: Sac and Fox Trad’n Post Manufacturing
Happy Friday, everyone. We’re wrapping up work for the day by finishing the powder coat for the Sac and Fox Trad’n Post. These open trellis systems will be traveling to...
Project Update: Auto Repair Shop Remodel – St. Cloud, MN
Our team is excited to have finished another project. It’s always rewarding to take an idea and make it a reality, through problem-solving design and engineering challenges. Yesterday our installation...
Project Update: Blain’s Farm & Fleet Installation
The Blain’s Farm & Fleet project in Waukesha, WI is officially finished! Two custom tie-back canopies were built for this job. Both feature eye-catching reverse” C” fascia. Due to our...
Project Update: Keystone Retail Center Installation
Congratulations to the D8 Products installation team! Yesterday they installed the Keystone Retail Center project and brought us back pictures of the finished result. We worked with Market & Johnson...
Project Update: Keystone Retail Center Manufacturing
The Keystone Retail Center is well on its way to completion! We’re working with Market & Johnson to get these canopies installed by the 29th. All three canopies are tie-back...
Project Update: St. Luke’s Methodist Church Crosses
Recently, a local church, St Luke’s United Methodist Church, approached us for new crosses. They’re replacing a 100-year-old roof! We were happy to help a local organization and can’t wait...
Project Update: Beloit College Library Installed
Yesterday our installation team was at Beloit College with Corporate Contractors, Inc. installing two new canopies. Both were installed in one workday and featured our patented internal gutter system. We...
Project Update: Keystone Retail Center Announcement
D8 Products has exciting news! A new project has entered the design phase! We’ll be working on the Keystone Retail Center in Eau Claire Wisconsin with Market & Johnson. Three...
Project Update: Beloit College Powder Coat
Yesterday morning you saw the Beloit College project canopies being built. Today both canopies are out of the oven, ready for finishing touches. Our skilled team and in-house powder coating...